To be used with the texreg package. This function can be used to generate nice looking tables of ERGMitos estimates.

  include.aic = TRUE,
  include.bic = TRUE,
  include.loglik = TRUE,
  include.nnets = TRUE,
  include.offset = TRUE,
  include.convergence = TRUE,
  include.timing = TRUE,



An object of class ergmito.

include.aic, include.bic, include.loglik

See texreg::extract.


Logical. When true, it adds the Number of networks used to the list of gof statistics. This can be useful when running pooled models.


Logical. When equal to TRUE, it adds one line per offset term to the table, omiting sd and significance.


Logical. When true it, adds the convergence value of the stats::optim function (0 means convergence).


Logical, When true it will report the elapsed time in seconds.


Further arguments passed to the base::summary() of ergmito.


#> Version: 1.37.5 #> Date: 2020-06-17 #> Author: Philip Leifeld (University of Essex) #> #> Consider submitting praise using the praise or praise_interactive functions. #> Please cite the JSS article in your publications -- see citation("texreg").
data(fivenets) ans <- ergmito(fivenets ~ edges + nodematch("female"))
#> Warning: The observed statistics (target.statistics) are near or at the boundary of its support, i.e. the Maximum Likelihood Estimates maynot exist or be hard to be estimated. In particular, the statistic(s) "edges", "nodematch.female".
#> #> =========================== #> Model 1 #> --------------------------- #> edges -1.70 ** #> (0.54) #> nodematch.female 1.59 * #> (0.64) #> --------------------------- #> AIC 73.34 #> BIC 77.53 #> Log Likelihood -34.67 #> Num. networks 5 #> Convergence 0 #> Time (seconds) 0.06 #> =========================== #> *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05